9 Easy Ways to Lower Your Power Bill

Your home is your safe haven. It provides you with comfort and security. But owning a home also comes with a lot of expenses. One of the biggest culprits? Your power bill. 

By understanding your electricity usage, you can take steps toward making your home more energy efficient to save you money. 

Check out these 9 easy ways to lower your power bill. 

#1 Conduct a Home Energy Audit

Conducting a home energy audit is a great way to start your journey toward lower power usage. An energy audit will determine your home’s energy consumption and where exactly your home is losing energy. By identifying where your home is losing energy, you’ll know where to make repairs or replacements to make your home more energy efficient. 

While it’s possible to perform a home energy audit yourself, it requires diligence and patience. Hiring a professional will guarantee a thorough and accurate assessment, saving you money in the long run. 

#2 Perform an Attic Inspection

Similar to an energy audit, an attic inspection will determine improvements that can be made to your attic to make your home more energy efficient. During an attic inspection, a professional will assess the following:

  • The number and quality of your attic vents
  • The amount of insulation, how well it has been installed, or if your insulation needs to be replaced
  • Whether your attic is home to a rodent infestation or mold
  • Check for potential air leaks

A well-vented, well-insulated attic in excellent condition is great for energy saving as your heating and cooling system won’t have to work as hard to regulate your home’s temperature. 

Since heating and cooling systems account for about 47% of your electricity bill, reducing the amount of work they do and the amount of electricity they use means huge savings. If you live in a hotter climate, be sure to check out the best insulation for hot climates.  

#3 Insulate Your Attic and Crawl Space 

Attics and crawl spaces are both part of your home’s envelope. Your home energy audit and attic inspection may determine that your home needs better insulation. If this is the case, your attic and crawl space are the most important places to start for lowering your electricity bill. 

By insulating these spaces properly, you create a more effective seal. This makes it easier for your heating and cooling system to regulate your home’s temperature. 

#4 Check Seals on Windows and Doors

Improperly sealed windows and doors are big culprits for energy leaks and heat loss. It’s important to ensure windows and doors are completely closed when air conditioning your home in the summer and heating your home in the winter. Here are some other simple steps you can take to further ensure a tight seal:

  • Use weatherstrips
  • Replace old door sweeps
  • Apply window film
  • Re-caulk the exterior of your windows and doors

#5 Clean and Replace Your HVAC Filters

A dusty filter may not seem like a big deal, but it will actually make it more difficult for your HVAC system to run efficiently. Dust and dirt block the flow of air, forcing your system to work harder and use more energy to circulate cool or warm air. 

Over time, unchanged filters can even cause HVAC systems to break down, ultimately affecting your energy costs. Regularly cleaning your HVAC filters is an easy way to maintain your system and keep it running efficiently. 

#6 Adjust Your Thermostat

Consider adjusting the temperature on your thermostat when you’re not home or when you go to sleep at night. In the winter, you can easily add extra blankets to your bed, or sleep in a cozy sweater to stay warm. In the summer, you can use linen sheets or a cooling duvet to stay cool. You can also consider investing in a programmable thermostat, or learn how to keep your house cool without AC.

These small adjustments will lead to big savings. In fact, the Department of Energy estimates that for every eight hours you lower your thermostat by one degree, you can save 1% on your power bill.

#7 Beware of Energy Vampires

Turning off an appliance or electronic doesn’t necessarily mean it has stopped using electricity. Many appliances and electronics instead go into standby mode. This means they still pull a trickle of electricity. 

Over time, energy vampires can account for as much as 5% of your power bill. Some of the most common energy vampires are:

  • Set-top boxes
  • Computers (both laptops and desktops)
  • Printers
  • DVD players
  • Routers and modems
  • Gaming consoles
  • Televisions

So how do you combat energy vampires? Simply unplug these devices when you’re not using them. 

For even more convenience, use a smart power strip. Smart power strips completely shut down power to electronics that go into standby mode.

#8 Swap Out Your Lightbulbs

Another easy way to reduce your power bill is by replacing incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs or LEDs. Incandescent bulbs are a huge waste of energy, with only 10% of their energy resulting in actual light. (The other 90% is given off as heat.) 

By swapping out the bulbs in just five of your most-used light figures, you can save $75 a year. 

You can also consider adding dimmers to your lights to control their level of brightness. By controlling the brightness, you control the amount of electricity being used. 

#9 Turn Off The Lights!

Not only is turning off your lights one of the easiest ways to reduce your power bill, it’s also free! Turning off the lights in rooms you’re not using or when you leave the house can significantly reduce your electricity use. It also helps extend the life of your lightbulbs. Win-win.

For total peace of mind, you can even install timers on your lights. If your lights are on a timer, you never have to worry about accidentally leaving the lights on ever again. 

Energy Efficiency is the Key to a Lower Power Bill 

As a homeowner, you depend on electricity to keep your home running smoothly and comfortably. Following our 9 simple steps can quickly and easily make your home more energy efficient. You’ll lower your power bill and save money without sacrificing your comfort. 

Should you find gaps in your thermal envelope or want to insulate your attic to lower your AC bill—make sure you do it properly, as there are potential harmful side effects. The experts at Attic Construction have the experience and tools needed to ensure this is done safely. 

For more information, contact us today!


  1. Department of Energy. Home Energy Audits. https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/weatherize/home-energy-audits#:~:text=A%20professional%20home%20energy%20audit,(rarely)%20PerFluorocarbon%20tracer%20gas
  2. Visual Capitalist. What Uses the Most Energy in Your Home? https://www.visualcapitalist.com/what-uses-the-most-energy-home/
  3. Simplemost. 8 DIY Ways To Draft-Proof The Doors & Windows In Your Home. https://www.simplemost.com/diy-draft-proof-doors-windows-home/
  4. U.S. News. How to Keep Energy Costs Low. https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/spending/articles/how-to-keep-energy-costs-low
  5. Solar Magazine. Lower Electricity Bill: Focus on 3 Facets, Start with 15 Proven Steps.
  6. https://solarmagazine.com/lower-your-electricity-bill/
  7. Nerdwallet. 15 Ways to Lower Your Energy Bill in 2020. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/how-to-save-money-on-your-electric-bill

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